
This blog is simply one family's lenten journey seen through the eyes of the Mama.
To understand our family better, please see the side bar for family names and ages.
Hope this is an encouragement for you on your walk with the Lord.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday

Welcome Back!

"A pure heart create for me O god; put a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 50

I have decided to do things a little different this Lenten season. I did not actively let anyone know that I would once again be blogging (except for my two girls). I figure if God led anyone to take a look this Lenten season than, I hope they come away with something. But for me, the humility of doing this simply to enrich my relationship with the Lord seems to be exactly what I am called to do. So, the only followers may be God and I. But how great is that? Really.

So, I am lightening up on the rigorous layout that I followed last Lent in my blog. This year I hope to use my lenten meditation called "In Conversation With God" by Francis Fernandez to lead any of my thoughts. I hope to share things that I find funny, but I am taking special care to be real with you and to be a humble servant. I am in no way a perfect Catholic homeschooling mom. Quite the contrary, I am an imperfect Catholic homeschooling mom just trying to hear God through all the clutter that trys to cloud my mind.

I am feeling a bit stir crazy, which is odd for me. I usually love being home with the kids, but I can just feel the blues a bit. And when I read my meditation today it really spoke to me. Maybe it will speak to you "When any one of us realises he is sad, he must think: 'It is because I am not close enough to Christ . . .' If he throws the blame on things around him, he will be wide of the mark; he will be looking in the wrong direction." He continues on using the phrase "I am not close enough to Christ" in response to pretty much everything that we struggle with.

So, despite the "blues" feeling, I don't want to run for the hills. I want to work on this. I can see how hard it is for me to just be. My normal response would to be to try to get busy doing all sorts of activities with the kids until I was crazy. But I think the key for me is going to be finding peace and serenity in the mundane of life. I think that is one of the treasures I can help the kids with too because life isn't always full of fun and excitement. Much of life is work, but to be able to be singularly focused on Christ during that work is a gift I hope to acquire and pass on to the kids.

And I must leave you with a laugh, as I sign off for the night. We went to Ash Wednesday Mass tonight as a family. I was holding Curly, my 3 year old little guy. After we received the ash crosses on our forehead and were walking back up the aisle, Curly starts a LOUD conversation. "Did he just put dirt on my head?" He starts rubbing at his head, "Why did he put dirt on my head? Now I need a bath." And yes, he repeated this montra all the way back to the pew where he was still saying "Now I need a bath, my heads dirty." It is making me laugh just thinking about it. I saw a few other people laugh, too. Curly is hoot and will keep me running all the days of my life, I am sure.

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