
This blog is simply one family's lenten journey seen through the eyes of the Mama.
To understand our family better, please see the side bar for family names and ages.
Hope this is an encouragement for you on your walk with the Lord.

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11, 2011

We went to Culvers tonight for the fish dinner. While there, we met a gentleman who was alone and clearly wanting conversation. We learned quite a bit about him, at times a little too much about him being that there were 8 ears under the age of 9. Part of me had a selfish attitude wanting to enjoy sitting there with my family without this intrusion. We rarely go out, so this was quite a treat. But here was this man reaching out to us. After hearing his story, I was even more grateful for the family sitting before me. Why should I hoard my family, but rather share it with this gentleman? It was a good reminder to me to keep my eyes focused on my family, but not so focused that I lose my peripheral vision. I don't want to miss those God-intended interactions with people. I also need to continually die to that natural selfish desire within me that wants things exactly the way I want them.

My book talked about mortifications beginning right at the start of the day, like getting out of bed promptly in the morning. Ummm. I really have a hard time with that. I have such a hard, hard time with that. I will go in streaks and go right back to justifying why I need to sleep just a little bit longer and then the day becomes more chaotic because I didn't get up on time. I struggle with self-discipline in so many different areas. And part of the solution is keeping these blog posts reasonable and getting to bed at a decent time. Good Night!

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