
This blog is simply one family's lenten journey seen through the eyes of the Mama.
To understand our family better, please see the side bar for family names and ages.
Hope this is an encouragement for you on your walk with the Lord.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31, 2010

Verse of the Day
"On the eve of our life we will be judged by how much we loved." Saint John of the Cross

Song of the Day
Prayer by Petra
I would listen to this after you read the prayer below.

I think the natives are restless. Artsy was running around the house today talking about how she can't wait to eat all the Easter treats. I better work on helping her focus on the real meaning of Easter. It isn't about being able to eat sugar. Maybe that was a detriment to giving up sugar.

"Stuff" Detachment
A refrigerator magnet, a crummy onesie that always fell off of Curly's shoulder, and a cracker holder thing a ma jig all departed from my home today.

Spiritual Growth
My growth today was in my trust in God. I was fretting last night as I went to sleep about how I don't want to have to deal with the neighbor kid and his friends again, also wondering if the boy across the street was going to knock on our door a hundred times, just wishing I could enjoy the day with the kids. It was the first day in a long time with nothing on the schedule. Well, guess what? The worrying was a complete waste of energy. It was a beautiful day. No problems with the neighbors. The boy across the street didn't come over even once, it was 73 degrees, and we went for a walk. I got to work on school with the kids, but also got outside with them for a bit. I even cleaned the refrigerator inside and out after they all went to bed. I couldn't have asked for a better day, except that I didn't get to Mass. Curly woke up with a snotty nose, so I thought it best to stay away.

Book Discussion
Title: Searching for and Maintaining Peace
Author: Fr. Jacques Philippe
Section: In All People Who Suffer There is Jesus

As Jesus says in Matthew 25:40 "Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." Well, this is especially true of the suffering. Jesus is there. We need to try our best to relieve suffering, but to view it with hope. In 1Thessalonians 4:13, it says do not "grieve as other people do who have no hope." It is that underlying trust again, that the Lord has the big picture all figured out.

Tomorrow's section: The Faults and Shortcomings of Others

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for the gift of such a beautiful day. I guess our crummy days help us all the more to enjoy our beautiful days. Today, I would like to pray for those reading this blog and especially for the neighbor boy and his friends. Show me how to love them and teach me how to pray for them. I pray that you will bring a great role model into their lives who can lead them to you Lord. I hear their ACDC music cranked and think of my own days in the past where I also cranked ACDC and even went to their concert (along with many others that I am not too proud of). You have restored me and renewed me. Please restore and renew them in your perfect time. Amen.

WOW! Again I sit here with tears. God keeps doing this to me. I started this blog late. I had the song above in my song list and decided to use it for no real reason. I didn't listen to it today as I had already done so in the past. I proceeded through this blog all the way until I was writing the food down and decided to listen to the song as I wrote the food. I was stopped dead in my tracks. It is almost as if a small miracle has occurred. As I was writing the prayer above, I was brought back to days of old, thinking of all of the terrible concerts I went to. I don't even care to mention the bands. Although, I was never disrespectful like the kids next door, I could have easily been taken down the wrong road. And to my friend, KK, I am ever so grateful as her teaching of the Bible to me in college is what lead me back to the Lord. At that point, I was taking steps away from God every day.

Now as I just listened to this song, it seemed to fit with everything I was feeling, the gratitude to the Lord for what he has done in my life, the need to stay focused on the work we have to do here on earth, etc. I fear those of you reading this may fail to see the connection, but there is a clear connection for me in regards to the kids next door, especially the first couple sentences and then the second verse after the chorus (starts "Let me be the evidence . . .). Then the third verse relates to the Verse of the Day, which I hadn't planned either. This even coincides with the verses in the Book Discussion. For the first time EVER, I actually feel a bit of love for those kids. Isn't that crazy? I am thinking maybe God wants us here next door because he knows we will get down on our knees and pray for them. Who knows? I may be complaining about them again tomorrow, but for today I am going to pray. And I thought this would be a short blog tonight. You just never know what God has planned. I love that when he surprises me.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Special K Protein Plus cereal with whole milk, fruit cup (grapes, grapefruits and oranges)

Lunch: Toasted cheese (Nature's Pride 100% whole wheat double fiber with marble jack cheese and butter), Amy's Organic Tomato Bisque Soup with rotini noodles

Dinner: Ham steak, mashed potatoes (made with potatoes, milk, butter), canned pineapple in own juice, canned green beans, corn

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30, 2010

Verse of the Day
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Song of the Day
Immanuel by Michael Card
Oddly, this is one of my favorite Christmas songs, so why I am sharing it now, I am not quite sure. But I never hear it on the radio during the Christmas season, even the Christian stations, and I wonder why? It is so beautiful. This was the best clip of the song I could find.

The food continues to go well. The toughest sell throughout this season has been Mr. Fix-it. I am quite sure he can't wait to be face first in a hot fudge sundae. I did make some oatmeal raisin cookies. I used the recipe on the Market Pantry oatmeal container, except that I took out the two sugars and replaced it with 3/4 cup mashed banana, 3/4 cup applesauce, and 3 packets of Stevia. The good news was that Mr. Fix-it didn't throw it away. The bad news was that he never had another one. They did all disappear and quite honestly I didn't care how many they ate. There really wasn't anything bad in them, oatmeal, bananas, unsweetened applesauce, butter, vanilla, eggs, raisins, Stevia.

"Stuff" Detachment
I have to come clean and confess that I was not religious about getting rid of my three things a day while on my "blog break". But, I did make up for it today by filling up another garbage bag full.

Spiritual Growth
Today was a beautiful day filled with many twists and turns. I hosted a Lenten Tea this morning with two other wonderful families. One mother just had her 7th baby. Although most of her children were able to come, she couldn't make it as her newborn ended up going to the hospital. Thankfully, baby will be okay. The other mother is in town visiting her family. She brought her 4 beautiful girls. So, excitement and noise were not absent.

I set my table as beautifully as I could. Since we were actually doing the Good Friday tea early, I had red candles, but the rest had more of a lilac theme. There were several foods present all representing a part of Christs' passion. So, the older girls took turns reading scripture out of the Bible, then they were able to taste the item that went with the reading. It is kind of hard to explain. Here are two links that show pictures and everything. This is what we followed today.

Then after that fun morning, I had more frustration with my neighbor boy and his friends. They are about 12 and think it is okay to drive their conversion van in and out of the driveway, backing in way to close to our fence. Also got to enjoy their ACDC music cranked. This happens every spring. I hate it, yet the other night when one of the friends yelled something to me as I was driving by, I realized something.(Keep in mind, I have never even talked to this kid, so why he is yelling I have no idea. They have no respect for any of the neighbors.) I realized that this is what the Lord is talking about. It is easy to love my family, but He is calling me to love them AND pray for them, which I really haven't done much. So, this has been added to the nightly prayers.

Book Discussion
Book: Searching for and Maintaining Peace
Author: Fr. Jacques Philippe
Section: Attitude When Confronted With the Suffering of Those Close to Us

"We sometimes feel more troubled and preoccupied by the suffering of a friend or a child than by our own suffering."

"How much excessive anxiety sometimes reigns in families when a member is tested in matters of health, unemployment, depression, etc. How many parents torment themselves over a problem concerning one of their children, for example."

I witnessed this just today, when I saw a behavior in Artsy that was completely out of character for her. She is my "love to dress up as a princess and play tea party" girl, so while some of the girls were playing dress up, out of nowhere she pretends she has a gun and is getting Joke-A-Lot. Now, this caused a lot of anxiety at first. My poor friend who had to listen to me lament about what was going on with my daughter, helped me figure out where this came from. The little boy across the street. She certainly didn't learn this in our home. But do you know when the anxiety departed from my soul? When I realized that this happened for a reason, an early signal of sorts. It was as if God was opening my eyes, so that I could take some action. I am not sure how much, but I am going to significantly reduce the amount of time they spend together. To be honest, I wanted to do that anyway. When I see just my four kids in the backyard playing, it is fabulous. I see them usually doing so well together, always watching out for and playing with the little guy, Curly. And when I have other close families over, there is this same camaraderie. But when the other little boy is over the dynamic is completely different, it is like someone set them on fire, there is no cohesiveness, just wild craziness, with Curly on his own. Mr. Fix-it says that all little boys play war and stuff. And we do have water guns which I always enjoyed as a kid. He still thinks there isn't a problem, but I am going to go with my gut on this one since I am home with them all the time and witness far more than he does. Curious if anyone else has any thoughts on this one?

I am going to end this section with a fabulous quote from this section. It is long, but it is good.
"On the contrary, our compassion for ourselves is often disturbed and anxious. We have a way of implicating ourselves in the suffering of others that is not always correct, that sometimes proceeds more from a love of self than from a true love of others. And we believe that to preoccupy ourselves excessively with another in difficulty is justified, that it is a sign of the love that we feel for the other person. But this is false. There is often in this attitude a great, hidden love of ourselves. We cannot bear the suffering of others because we are afraid of suffering ourselves. The reason is that we, too, lack confidence in God. . . if we torment ourselves to the point of losing our peace, this signifies that our love for the other person is still not fully spiritual, is still not in harmony with God. . . In order for it to be a true Christian virtue, compassion for others must proceed from love (desiring good for others) and not from fear (fear of suffering, fear of losing something)."

He closes by saying that we should persevere in prayers and petitions for healing for these people and help as possible, but always in a spirit of peace and confident abandonment into the hands of God.

Next section: In All People Who Suffer There is Jesus

Dear Lord,
You know the things that wear at our soul and try to steal our peace. Please fill us with strength and confidence in you. Help us to pray for those who persecute us and love our enemies. So many times Lord, I just get mad instead of turning to you in prayer and seeking your guidance.

As I am coming to the end of my Lenten journey, I also ask for your guidance with this blog. I am sure that this blog was your will. I have grown immensely and hope others have too, but please make it abundantly clear what you would have me do after Easter Sunday.

Help us to know, love and serve you in this world, so we can enjoy you forever in the next. Amen.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Since the lenten tea was this morning and Curly slept late, everyone but Artsy skipped breakfast. She made herself peanut butter toast.

Lunch: Peanut butter sandwiches, strawberries

Dinner: Chili, tortillas with melted cheese, strawberries and fruit cup (grapes, oranges, and grapefruits)

Not the best day nutritionally. I'll try to do better tomorrow.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25, 2010

I will temporarily be away from my blog. I have a paper that is due this weekend for the graduate class I took. I haven't written one word yet. So, I am hoping to be back on by Sunday or Monday at the latest. I really want to blog during holy week. God's Blessings on all of you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24, 2010

Verse of the Day
"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, . . .Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come, you are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.' Then the righteous will answer him and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you a drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?' And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'" Matthew 25:31-40

Song of the Day
Blest are They by David Haas
It is really nice and again follows the theme which is the poor. For some reason, the first time I listened to the song, it took awhile to download. I just let it completely download before I listened to it. The second time it was fine.

I let the kids have the normal salad dressing with the sugar. I have given up in that area. I can't find anything the family likes. I have tried.

I would also like to say that the kids are eating me out of house and home. I would never have guessed what good healthy meals they would eat by only taking out the sugar. I know, sometimes they aren't the most healthy, but I am doing my best.

"Stuff" Detachment
Can I count the item that I already threw out, but Artsy took it out of the garbage? I threw it away again. I also got rid of a pair of Curly's socks. Unfortunately, he took one of his shoes off when he was outside, then walked through the garage stepping in the oil pan that is usually under Mr. Fix-it's car. Bummer.

Spiritual Growth
Today was the coolest day. I went with kids to a local Lutheran church. They were sponsoring a day for Kids Against Hunger. We began by bringing Curly to the nursery. Unfortunately, as soon as he went in the little tunnel another girl growled at him and scared him half to death. So, I left carrying a screaming baby and 3 other kids to begin our mission. I'm thinking that things are not really going so hot at this point. Thankfully, I had the umbrella stroller, cheese-its, and a sippy of water. We proceeded into church adorning our beautiful hair nets. We watched a brief video about the organization. Onward to our station. There we, along with about 50 other people, assembled about 10,200 meals within an hour to be shipped to Haiti. Six meals were in a pack and the packs were sealed and boxed along with special art work that the kids brought. Artsy made a ton of paper fans all decorated since it is so hot in Haiti. We also enclosed a picture of the four kids. It was really a fabulous experience. Kids as young as four can work on the assembly line. So, what are you wondering, was Curly doing? He sat happy as a clam in his stroller by our table just watching all the action around him. The other mom's were commenting about what a good little boy. The other three kids took turns, scooping either rice, crushed soy, dehydrated veges, or the chicken flavor vitamin supplement.

When I sat watching the video at the beginning, it felt like God was pounding me over the head saying "Why don't you do this at your church once a year?" I felt really convicted. Something like this is totally up my alley, but of course the fear is there. How in the world could I get something like that organized and homeschool the kids, along with all the other stuff of life? I will continue to pray and learn more about what it would take and then start taking small steps praying that if it isn't the Lord's will, He would block the path. But then I think, how could it not be the Lord's will? Those children that receive that meal will get one cup for the whole day and most of them will try to somehow save half of it for their parents, if they have parents, because they know they don't have food either. The church also has to raise the money for the food, which is $0.23/serving. I have a free video to watch as well that Jason Davis from Channel 5 did in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti two years before the hurricane. Now the need is obviously so much greater. Here is the link if anyone wants to just check it out or read the founder's story. It is neat. http://www.kidsagainsthunger.org/

The kids were so excited, up and dressed before I even woke them up. Joke-A-Lot wanted to do more shifts. She became very competitive, somewhat like her mother, while we were bagging. If Artsy or Race Car paused for even a second or got distracted, she was all over them. She wanted to get as many meals done as possible. It is hard to find service opportunities for kids when they are young and this was a gem. Thank you God for leading us to this place. Just so happened a mom at Artsy's dance class last Saturday told me all about it.

Book Discussion
Sorry, putting it off again, want to get to bed.

Dear Lord,
Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity we had today. Your hand was upon it from the minute that woman told me about it. Thank you for keeping Curly company while I worked with the other three. How else could he have been content just sitting in his stroller for over an hour? I ask for your guidance on whether you are calling me to bring this to our parish. Also, please bless those that are reading my blog today. Help them to feel your closeness and your power this day. We all love you and seek to know you better. Amen.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Flour tortilla with scrambled eggs and melted cheese, cantaloupe

Lunch: Toasted cheese sandwich, Amy's organic tomato soup with rotini noodles

Dinner: Pasta dish with penne pasta, ground beef, classico spicy red pepper sauce, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, salad, dinner rolls

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23, 2010

No Blog tonight. Mr. Fix-it asked me on a date, which consists of getting the kids to bed and watching a rerun of Matlock. First things first. I'll be back tomorrow.

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010

Today's blog is in memory of my mom whose 66th birthday would have been today. Happy Birthday Mama!

Verse of the Day
"The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.
In green pastures you let me graze;to safe waters you lead me; you restore my strength.
You guide me along the right path for the sake of your name.
Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for you are at my side; your rod and staff give me courage.
You set a table before me as my enemies watch; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Only goodness and love will pursue me all the days of my life; I will dwell in the house of the Lord for years to come." Psalm 23 1-6

I know I chose this verse a few days ago, but I am choosing it again. This was the psalm today at church. I vividly remember after my mom died, my dad getting these cards from this woman at his church almost daily for probably two weeks. This verse was always in the cards. Being that he is legally blind, I read most of his cards to him. Looking back, I am sure God was comforting me at the same time.

Song of the Day
Angels Among Us by Alabama

About 11 years before my mom died, I convinced her to go on a retreat that really impacted my life. I wanted her to have the same experience. She was willing. I brought her there. They made accommodations to help make her comfortable as her health was starting to decline. I stayed and helped out in the kitchen and stuff, but she didn't know that. When they welcomed us helpers in, this song was playing. She was so touched that I was there working. After that retreat, I would find little white paper angels pop up everywhere. This became the song where we connected.

When I got married, I gave her a silver angel jewelry case and engraved it "Remember, there are always angels among us." We know the Bible talks about real angels that exist. "No evil shall befall you, no affliction come near your tent. For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways. With their hands they shall support you, lest you strike your foot against a stone." Psalm 91:10-12. But it is also common to in gest call people angels because they are there for you through really difficult times, etc. My mom was an angel to me in this sense. Her character, her love, her joy, and her faith propel me to work not at doing more, but "being" more, really "being" in the present moment and enjoying all that it has to offer. The things she has said to me in the past continue to run through my head, encouraging me at every turn. Even though she is dead physically, she continues to influence who I am and where I want to go. I was very blessed.

I always seem to find excuses. Since we always go out to eat with my dad on my mom's birthday, I did allow the kids to have a sugared drink and a dessert. Joke-A-Lot was hesitant since it is a lenten sacrifice. She asked "Do you think Jesus would have it?" I said "Yes". Hope that was the right response. How the heck do I know if Jesus would have the ice cream or not?

"Stuff" Detachment
I cleared out the shelf in the bathroom closet. Threw a bunch of stuff out that I never use. Also, let go of a baby toy.

Spiritual Growth
Artsy got up today and put on her best outfit, beautiful yellow dress, sweater and yellow hat because it was Grandma's birthday. She decided to make a card and leave it out for her. We headed to Mass. Artsy went up to the altar to see if the last heart she placed there was "taken by Jesus" and it was. Curly seems to do something cute every time we go. Today, he kept saying "Hi Jesus. Hi Jesus". The girls wanted to get a present for Grandma, so I said we could pool our money and have a Mass prayed for her. So, we did.

The Divine Mercy Chaplet was cool again because Race Car wanted to lead it. He could even say the Apostle's Creed. I couldn't believe it. And they just cuddle so close. I don't want these years to end.

I want to end this section with a quote from 1 Corinthians 13:
"If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge; if I have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing. . .So faith, hope, love remain, these three; bu the greatest of these is love."

This is something that has really struck me lately. I can try and do everything "right" in this world and Lord knows we all have a lot to do, but if it isn't done with love we are a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal. I don't want to be a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal. I heard enough clashing cymbals growing up with a drummer for a brother, I don't want to be one. And just today, when I keep this in the back of my head, I notice myself linger just a couple seconds longer when I look at my kids. And what a delight to really make good eye contact with them. I am so often yelling from another room or talking while washing dishes. My mom showed me how to love. I have a clear vision of what love looks like in my head and for that I am grateful. Thankfully, whether we have someone in our lives like that or not, we can all just keep looking up to the cross, the ultimate vision of love.

Thanks for bearing with me as I ponder my mom on her birthday. I did not play a game with the kids today which was my challenge from yesterday. Boy, I am not very good at accomplishing my own challenges, BUT we did crawl in bed and read the book about my mom that I had made after she died. It was fun to reminisce.

Dear Lord,
You are Love. Help us to sleep, eat, work and play with a heart of love. Guide us safely through this next day and help all of us make the time to play a game with our kids. Amen.

Book Discussion
I will continue soon.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Oatmeal made with whole milk,bananas, and cinnamon (I should really try the steel cut oats. They are much better for you.), Jones sausage patties

Lunch: Peanut butter sandwiches, vege tray with dip, strawberries

Dinner: "Not Healthy Alert" Culvers fried walleye, french fries, sugared soda, and concrete mixer for the girls, hamburgers, fries, sugared drink and ice cream for the boys (except Curly had water).

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 21, 2010

Verse of the Day
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8

Song of the Day
Thou Lovely Source of True Delight by Jars of Clay
This song proved interesting. I never heard it until just now. Didn't care for it at first, but it grew on me. Then I realized that after writing the quote above, this song was perfect as there are beautiful flowers to gaze upon. I am thinking it is meant to touch someones soul out there.

Artsy was excited when she remembered there was still some of the Stevia sweetened Banana cake left. A couple bites in, she said "Mama, it really isn't so good. It tastes like flour." So, we will just toss that recipe in the garbage.

"Stuff" Detachment
I didn't want to, but I stopped blogging to go through the craft bin. I threw a boat load of stuff out and reorganized it. These small steps work for me.

Spiritual Growth
I took the time to sit with the children and play Rummikub. That was spiritual growth for me. It is good for my soul to take the time to play with the kids, to listen and laugh with the kids, and to really look at them and watch them. It's beautiful. I need to do it more often. That leads me to a challenge. Let's make a commitment to take the time to play a game with our children on Monday. You must laugh and smile. It is a requirement! Anyone want to join me? Enjoying these lives that have been entrusted to us by God feeds our souls.

Book Discussion
I am going to defer for another day.

Dear Lord,
You know our struggles whether it is with our spouse, children, job, finances, parents, or health. Please come to all of us in these troubling times that all of us can face. Show your power in these situations as we try to do our best to trust and let you take control. We love you and want to serve you in this life and be happy with you in the next. Amen.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Peanut butter toast, blueberries (Artsy made it.)

Lunch: Scrambled eggs, bacon, pears, strawberries, and baked apples with cinnamon

Dinner: Chuck roast, potatoes, carrots, onions, corn, strawberries, pears

Saturday, March 20, 2010

March 20, 2010

Verse of the Day
"Do not conform yourself to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2

Song of the Day
We Belong to God by ?
I had a hard time finding this song, so it isn't the best recording, but the words are on the screen, so focus on the words. I have loved this song for a long time. It coincides with the verse of the day, too.

Joke-A-Lot had a birthday party where she very much enjoyed a mint dilly bar.

"Stuff" Detachment
Mr. Fix-It threw away enough for the both of us. The problem with him throwing things away is that he throws away whatever is currently in his way without regard to whether it is actually something we should keep it or not. Makes me insane. I guess I am not making much of a dent with my three things a day. But I will continue to plow forward anyway.

Spiritual Growth
If you read yesterdays blog, you probably remember how the Song of the Day came about, a blunt blow, hadn't though of the song in years. I continue to see God's hand on this blog. I received an email today from a friend who was having trouble calming some spiritual fear in her child. Clearly, the song of the day was for them. It was absolutely perfect, yet I didn't know at the time. The words were such a comfort to both her and her child. Thank you Jesus. What an honor to have you working through this blog! The words from yesterday's song that seemed especially striking were "Mercy said no, I'm not going to let you go. I am not going to let you slip away. You don't have to be afraid." She was able to play this song for her child, to reassure the child that God's love and mercy are far greater than the power of the evil one.

I once heard it explained this way. Picture the ocean like God's mercy. Now, picture all of our sin along with that of everyone in this world past, present, and future. God's mercy is so over-flowing that just a single drop of that ocean would cover all of that sin. Amazing. Gives us a glimmer into the unfathomable, doesn't it?

Book Discussion
I am going to pass on this tonight, just feeling extra tired. Tomorrow's section title is "Attitude When Confronted With the Suffering of Those Close to Us". Should be a good one.

Dear Lord,
How amazing are you works! That you would place that song in my head, so that my friend and child might be comforted through it. Thank you for leading me to the book about peace Lord. It has been such a strength to me and even just this week when I placed my trust in you in a certain area, you provided me with exactly what I needed. Thank you, Jesus. Please bless those reading this blog with an increased measure of faith and again as requested yesterday, please shower your mercy upon us all. Amen.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Oatmeal made with whole milk, mashed bananas, and cinnamon

Lunch: Lipton noodle soup, peanut butter sandwiches

Dinner: Pizza Hut pizza (kids earn free personal pizza's through the Book-It program as a reward for reading a certain amount), fruit cup (grapes, grapefruit, and oranges)

Snack: Popcorn made on the stove with corn oil and salted

Friday, March 19, 2010

March 19, 2010 Happy St. Joseph's Day!

Verse of the Day
"Happy are the pure in heart; they shall see God." Matthew 5:8

Song of the Day
Mercy Said No by Greg Long
As you read the Book Discussion, you will see how God threw this song into my head out of nowhere. So cool! And again, the date is January 19th, 2008, the one year anniversary of my mom's death. Seems a little strange that January 19th keeps popping up everywhere.

Since it is St. Joseph's Feast Day, the church lifted our Lenten sacrifices for today. We had lunch at a friends house. She had cookies, the girls each had two and Race Car said "No thank you." Remember, sweets have been few and far between and he says "No, thank you." Then my kind friend sent three more home with me. Tonight at dinner, I offered each of them one of those cookies and one of the cookies they had received earlier in Lent (in the freezer). The girls and curly enjoyed them thoroughly. Race Car tried one of them and asked to save the other one. Huh? Can he really be one of my descendants?

"Stuff" Detachment
Guess what I found under the girls bed? The item of Joke-A-Lot's that I threw away yesterday. Artsy saw it and pulled it our of the garbage. I wasn't kidding when I said Artsy has a hard time detaching from stuff. Let's see, today I threw away an old plastic cup, a small useless funnel, and a book.

Spiritual Growth
We did our Family Formation packet tonight. Joke-A-Lot kept asking what exactly Mercy was. I kept trying, but even until the end of the discussion, I could see that it didn't click. I explained that Jesus showed Mercy when he suffered and died on the cross for our sins when he didn't do anything to deserve it. But just now I looked up the definition and this is what I found as a definition for mercy:

"A moral virtue that prompts its owner to have compassion for and to succour those in spiritual or temporal want."

I looked up succour as well, it means to help in a difficult situation. So, my question to any of you who would like to attempt, how do you explain mercy to an almost 8 year old girl? If you have an idea, you can either leave me a comment so others can also learn or email me if you have my address.

Book Discussion
Title: Searching for and Maintaining Peace
Author: Fr. Jacques Philippe
Section: The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want

Yesterday, I put Psalm 23 as my verse of the day. This psalm is clear that the Lord has left us wanting for nothing. Yet, we are prone to succumb to the temptation of believing that our situation has left us lacking something that prevents us from progressing spiritually.

"I am concentrated on the negatives of my situation, on that which I lack in order to be happy. This renders me unhappy, envious and discouraged and I am unable to go forward. The real life is elsewhere, I tell myself, and I simply forget to live. Oftentimes it would take so little for everything to be different and for me to progress with giant steps: A different outlook, a view of my situation which is one of confidence and hope (based on the certitude that I will lack nothing). And then doors would open to me of unhoped-for possibilities for spiritual growth."

"It is not the exterior circumstances that must change; it is above all our hearts that must change."

"Our minds are sometimes so clouded over by that which is not going well, by that which (according to our own criteria!) should be different in our situations, that we forget the positive."

"The fundamental problem is that we employ too much of our own criteria as to what is and what is not good and we don't have enough confidence in the Wisdom and Power of God."

"Many of the circumstances that I consider damaging could, in fact, be for me, if I had more faith, precious opportunities to love more: to be more patient, more humble, more gentle, more merciful and to abandon myself more into the hands of God."

"God may allow me to occasionally lack money, health, abilities and virtues, but He will never leave me in want of Himself, of His assistance and His mercy or of anything (song of the day just popped into my head, amazing how God does that!)that would allow me to grow unceasingly ever closer to Him, to love Him more intensely, to better love my neighbor and to achieve holiness."

I know that was a lot of quotes, but they were so meaningful.

Dear Lord,
Some days the theme of the blog really comes out strong and on others it doesn't, but today the message was clear Your Divine Mercy! Praise you dear Jesus! Thank you for the tremendous gift of your mercy to us and help us to in turn show that mercy to others (even those who work for our flex benefits who frustrate me to no end). If you can send down such mercy upon us, we can work to shower it upon others. Thank you dear Jesus! Amen.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Smuckers natural peanut butter on either Natural Ovens Brainy Bagels or Nature's Pride 100% whole wheat double fiber bread, whole milk (running late, had to get going)

Lunch: Ate at friends house: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, ham and cheese sandwiches, tortillas and salsa, mandarin oranges, and cookies

Dinner: Angel hair pasta, Classico Red Pepper sauce, take and bake ciabatta roll, Wisconsin Sausage Company meatballs (Mr. Fix-it said they were average. We are on the search for some good meatballs that Mom On A Mission doesn't have to make), cookies

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18, 2010

Verse of the Day
"The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.
In green pastures you let me graze;to safe waters you lead me; you restore my strength.
You guide me along the right path for the sake of your name.
Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for you are at my side; your rod and staff give me courage.
You set a table before me as my enemies watch; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Only goodness and love will pursue me all the days of my life; I will dwell in the house of the Lord for years to come." Psalm 23 1-6

Song of the Day
"He gives the strength to rise above through the power of His love", thought this was an encouragment. You will see why I was discouraged today in Spiritual Growth.

I tried a banana cake with buttercream frosting sweetened with stevia powder. Mr. Fix-it took one bit and threw it in the garbage. Artsy and Race Car liked the cake, but no one liked the frosting. So, I asked Mr. Fix-it if it would have been better with fresh unsweetened whip cream instead. His exact words were "No, the cake was disgusting" and then he added "I meant that in a nice way". I may try again in the future. But for tonight after the excitement of trying the cake was over, fresh fruit was again the best dessert. But even after all that, Race Car asked "Can I have some sort of dessert or something?" I just looked at him and then he laughed and said "Oh yah, I forgot."

"Stuff" Detachment
The things I see when I am really looking. I found two Diaper Genie refills sitting in plain sight. I don't have a diaper genie. I used to, but it is long gone. I also got rid of something Joke-A-Lot was willing to get rid of. It is much easier for her to let go of things than Artsy or Race Car. I hope I can lead by example, that things are only things.

Spiritual Growth
My spirit is discouraged today as it seemed satan took full advantage of the fact that I really wanted to fulfill my challenge from yesterday which was: Let's see if we can make it one full day with only kind, patient, loving words. I wanted to come back with good news, but it seemed I had less patience and love rather than more. But, I won't give up. How can I? I have four beautiful souls in my hands, so I am going to keep my blog short today and get a good nights rest, so that I am fully ready to again try to be more patient and loving.

On a positive note, I have really enjoyed watching the relationship between my boys foster. Every morning, Race Car asks if he can outside with Curly. They go out and sit back in all the pea gravel surrounding the play set and play with their trucks forever. Very sweet.

Book Discussion
I will continue tomorrow. The next section had some really good things to share, so stay tuned.

Dear Lord,
I continue to hand this blog over to you that I may do your will through it. I pray that those that experienced a day full of love and patience will be blessed with another one tomorrow. And for those of us who struggled in this area, I pray that you fill us with your courage and peace, that we will wake up fully rested and filled to the brim with God's love. Amen.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Yogurt smoothie made with Stoneyfield Farms plain whole milk yogurt, frozen blueberries, banana, flaxseed oil, Special K Protein Plus cereal with whole milk

Lunch: Leftover hamburgers with whole wheat buns and one had Van's blueberry waffle with peanut butter and sliced banana, still hungry, bagel with peanut butter, oranges, apples with peanut butter (we all like peanut butter, natural of course)

Snack: Mixed nuts, no oil, no salt, just plain

Dinner: Chuck roast, carrots, potatoes, corn, stevia sweetened banana cake (see Food for the family response), fresh fruit (blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, grapes, pomegranete seeds, and bananas)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17, 2010 Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Verse of the Day
"Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me." St. Patrick

Song of the Day
The Lord's Prayer by Andrea Bocelli

This shouldn't be a surprise, but the kids seem to be eating a lot more. The truth is they are just eating more good food and less garbage.

"Stuff" Detachment
I threw one of Race Car's many Race Car shirts. It really needed to go. Also, got rid of a baby squish book and some cheap brand of Legos. Seeing Joke-A-Lot struggle just to get them to click together didn't look like too much fun.

Spiritual Growth
Artsy brought another heart to give Jesus today at Mass. I continue to struggle with patience and doing everything with love. I think I need accountability. Anyone out there want to do the one day challenge? Let's see if we can make it one full day with only kind, patient, loving words. Even discipline must be done with patience and love. Hmmmm. Any takers? I'll let you know how I do tomorrow.

I am also struggling in handing out all of the worries to God. I keep grabbing them back and trying to figure out what I can do to make things work out. I have a lot of fear, fear of missing an opportunity with the kids, missing pictures or video at a certain special event. My memory isn't always the best, so I have fear that I will forget and I believe pictures and videos will help me to remember.

Book Discussion
Title: Searching for and Maintaining Peace
Author: Fr. Jacques Philippe
Section: God Asks For Everything, But He Doesn't Necessarily Take Everything and What to Do When You Are Unable to Abandon Yourself?

"Faced with certain goods that we possess (a material good, a friendship, an activity that we enjoy, etc.), the devil, in an effort to prevent us from abandoning ourselves to God, causes us to imagine that if we put everything in God's hands, God will effectively take everything and "ruin" everything in our lives!"

" . . .the Lord asks only an attitude of detachment at the level of the heart, a disposition to give Him everything. But He doesn't necessarily "take" everything."

"The proper attitude then is simply to be disposed to give everything to God, without panic, and to allow Him to do things His way, in total confidence."

So, if you are at all like me, you are thinking "Yah, right." I couldn't even make it one day letting go. What do you do when you simply have a hard time abandoning yourself to God? Thankfully, the subsequent section was about just that, and this is what he said.

"Abandonment is not natural; it is a grace to be asked of God. He will give it to us, if we pray with perseverance: Ask, and it will be given to you (Matthew 7:7)."

"Abandonment is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, but the Lord does not refuse this Spirit to those who ask with faith . . ."

So, the answer is simple, but not easy. We must persevere in our prayer life, continually asking for the ability to abandon ourselves to God.

Tomorrow: The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want

Dear Lord, please bless all those reading this blog. Help them on their spiritual walk that they may continue to grow closer to you. Please bless all of us with the ability to abandon ourselves to you with complete and utter trust Lord. You are trustworthy. We have nothing to fear. Amen.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Flour tortillas with scrambled eggs and cheese, oranges

Lunch: Chicken, brown rice, and broccoli stir fried in olive oil and soy sauce, fruit cup (grapefruit, oranges, and grapes), still hungry so, triscuits and cheese, still hungry, so peanut butter bagel

Dinner: Hamburger on a whole wheat bun with reduced sugar ketchup, tortilla chips (we were late for religion)

Snack: Artsy had another hamburger, Race Car had an orange, Joke-A-Lot had the whole wheat bread mentioned in earlier blogs with butter, and Curly had plain yogurt sweetened with four drops of Stevia.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 16, 2010

Verse of the Day
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not; In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths."
Proverbs 3:5-6

Song of the Day
The Coloring Song by Petra

A sugar-free lent is not proving to be as difficult as anticipated. I am wondering why I provided so many treats before. I also found the key to getting the kids to eat vegetables. Eat at 7pm and then make sure the steamed broccoli is done first! I thought Race Car was going to eat the entire bowl. Then he proceeded to eat 3 helpings of chicken, 2 helpings of rice-a-roni, yams, corn, some of my roasted cauliflour and 2 bowls of fruit. Scares me a little, since he is a bean pole and only 5 years old. Can you imagine when he is 16?

"Stuff" Detachment
Boy, a trip to my jewelry box is like a trip back in time. Found some real treasures today, two of those handmade weaved ankle bracelets and a mood ring. I am so sad to be riding this house of those items.

Spiritual Growth
The Divine Mercy Chaplet has been going well, other than the fact that I forgot today. Race Car took it upon himself to lead a few days ago without even being asked. I have also really enjoyed the simple fact of a break in the day where they all come and cuddle around me. Who wouldn't like that? We do it at 3pm, the hour of Jesus' death on the cross.

Mass is also going well. Curly has become a little amusing. During the prayers of the faithful, the priest offers up a prayer and we respond "Lord, hear our prayer." Well, Curly has caught on to the word "prayer", but instead of saying it in unison with the rest of us, he says it nice and loud right after we say it. For example, priest says "For all the poor in spirit, that they may find comfort in our Lord, let us pray to the Lord", we say "Lord hear our prayer", then Curly says "PRAYER!"

Book Discussion
Book: Searching for and Maintaining Peace
Author: Fr. Jacques Philippe
Section: One Abandons Oneself Completely or Not at All

I decided to separate this section, so that those who aren't real interested in this can pass over it and those that love the deep stuff can find it immediately.

What a fabulous section today! I spent the last hour prior to writing this cutting up fruit for my "fruit cup" which entails sectioned oranges and grapefruits and grapes cut in half. Takes me about an hour. By the time I was done, I was so worked up. My mind was in spin mode. Within the next month, Joke-A-Lot has her birthday, we have Holy Week and Easter, and then Joke-A-Lot is celebrating her First Holy Communion. I was getting overwhelmed with all the details, but also with all the costs that would arise. Then, I sat down to read this section to discuss with you. It couldn't have been more perfect. I am pretty confident that I am not the only one out there with things similar to this running through their heads. So, hopefully you will find this as useful as I did.

"We must put everything, without exception, into the hands of God, not seeking any longer to manage or "to save" ourselves by our own means: not in the material domain, nor the emotional domain, nor the spiritual . . .The measure of our interior peace will be that of our abandonment, consequently of our detachment."

"The one who clings to something, who wishes to protect some domain in his life in order to manage it at his convenience without radically abandoning it into the hands of God, is making a very bad mistake: he devotes himself to unnecessary preoccupations and exposes himself to the gnawing sense of loss."

"This is the way to happiness, because if we leave God free to act in His way, He is infinitely more capable of rendering us happy than we ourselves are, because he knows us and loves us more than we can ever know or love ourselves."

Saint John of the Cross said "All things were given to me from the moment when I no longer sought them."

"If we detach ourselves from everything and put them into the hands of God, god will return them to us a hundredfold, from this day forward."

So, the last hour while cutting the fruit was an utter waste of time, managing only to take minutes off my life because of the worry. I think I need to go back and listen to the God is Faithful song from a few days ago. I try so hard to control things and manage things because if I can just look at things differently, than maybe I can make things work out. It is far more comforting and freeing to just let go and trust God. In the past, when I have done this in very small ways, I have seen the miracles that God had ready to give when I loosened my grip just a bit.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, toast with butter or peanut butter, pears

Lunch: Flour tortillas with taco meat and cheese, baked apples with cinnamon

Dinner: Baked chicken with salt, pepper, paprika and onions, yams with butter and cinnamon, corn, Rice-A-Roni (I know it isn't good for you), steamed broccoli, fruit bowl (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, pomegranate seeds, grapes, bananas, and pears)

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15, 2010

Verse of the Day
"God indeed is my savior; I am confident and unafraid. My strength and my courage is the Lord, and he has been my savior." Isaiah 12:2

Song of the Day
El Shaddai by Michael Card

Nothing new on the food front.

"Stuff" Detachment
Cleaned out the shed on this beautiful day and got rid of a lot more than 3 things. It felt terrific. Over time, this purging of stuff has to pay off.

Spiritual Growth
I recently was in the victory ring for one of God's miracles. Here is what happened.

I was waiting in line to check my books out at my local library. There usually isn't a line, but that day there was. So, I naturally began looking around to pass the time. I was flabbergasted to see in full view of the check out counter a magazine with a woman's upper body almost fully revealed. So, I talked to the woman in charge at that library. I was told to fill out a request for consideration, so I did.

I received a letter stating that they would not remove the magazine, cover the magazine or place it in a different location. But if you wanted to follow up more you could meet with the director of the county's whole library system, so I did.

Prior to going to meet with the director, I researched covers from this magazine, GQ, from the past 2 years to find much worse things than that original cover. Several of them had naked women either on the top, bottom or both, sort of covering themselves up. I brought these with me for my meeting. The director admitted that she was planning on saying "no", but now after seeing the images I brought she needed to reconsider.

I met again with her a month later. She explained in detail all the people she talked to about this and exactly what she considered, but "no" was still the answer. I went on to talk about how frustrated I am that in our world everyone hides behind rules and will never step forward and do the right thing just because it is the right thing. Moving that magazine is the right thing. My 7, 6, and 5 year old children shouldn't be seeing naked people on magazine covers when they are checking out Mary Poppins. We have to check the books out. We can't avoid that area. All to no avail.

I went home and prayed. I told the kids to get ready for Mass because we needed to pray that this woman gain the courage to do the right thing, to figure out some way to make this work. I could tell she agreed with me, but didn't want to "compromise the integrity of the library". As we were getting ready, the director called to tell me that she was looking at the layout of the magazines and that if you place GQ alphabetically by its full name Gentleman's Quarterly, that places the magazine over a shelf and at the bottom, completely out of sight for those checking out. I hung up and we headed to Mass to thank God for the miracle. He allowed her to "follow her rules" and protect the children. Praise God!

Today's section title from Searching for and Maintaining Peace by Fr. Jacques Philippe: To Grow in Confidence: A Child's Prayer

We need to have a contemplative gaze on Jesus Who gives His life for us, nourishes us with "too great a love"

"Finally, too many people are distressed because they are not contemplatives. They do not take the time to nourish their own hearts and return them to peace by gazing with love on Jesus." Since the assaults of evil through thoughts of discouragement and distrust are never-ending, shouldn't our prayers also be never-ending?

"Let us therefore learn to abandon ourselves, to have total confidence in God, in the big things as in the small, with the simplicity of little children. . . this is the true response to the mystery of evil and suffering. . . In abandoning myself to God, I experience in a concrete fashion that "it really works," that God makes all things work together for my good, even evil, even suffering, even my own sins. How many occasions that I dreaded, when they arrived, in the final analysis proved to be supportable, and finally beneficial, after the first impact of pain. That which I believed to be working against me revealed itself to be to my benefit."

And that my friends explains my blog from yesterday about suffering and seeing the benefit later. Interesting how that led right into today's subject. I hadn't read it yet.

Tomorrow: One Abandons Oneself Completely or Not at All

Today's Menu:
Breakfast: Oatmeal made with whole milk, mashed bananas, and cinnamon, Jone's mild sausage links, grapes

Snack: Half peanut butter sandwich. The hour change for some reason threw us way off, so we didn't have an official lunch. Being that it was 60 degrees, Curly and Race Car were outside from noon until 6pm. Girls joined them after we finished school around 3:00pm. It was a beautiful day.

Dinner: Tacos (Old El Paso Stand and Stuff taco shells, flour tortillas, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese), strawberries

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 14, 2010

Verse of the Day
"We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Song of the Day
God is Faithful by Sheila Walsh
I would recommend listening to this song after you read the rest of the blog. It will take on more meaning.

The kids enjoyed the cake, ice cream and juice thoroughly. Mr. Fix-it is definitely wanting yum-yums.

"Stuff" Detachment
Ditched two of Mr. Fix-its light jackets that had dust collecting on them because of lack of use and a pair of shorts that needed to be thrown out two years ago. It is so much easier to go and get rid of his stuff than mine.

Spiritual Growth
Interestingly, today's topic in my book "Searching for and Maintaining Peace" by Fr. Jacques Philippe is "The Fear of Suffering". Suffering is a part of this world. We have all experienced it in one degree or another. Doesn't this contradict the words of the Gospel? "No,. . .He never leaves us deprived of what is essential: His presence, His peace and all that is necessary for the complete fulfillment of our lives according to His plans for us. If He permits suffering, then it is our strength to believe, as Therese of Lisieux says, that 'God does not permit unnecessary suffering.'" He goes on to explain that we should do what we can to eliminate it, relieve it, but that it will always remain in our personal lives and the world.

"The wisdom of man can only produce works on a human level. Only the Wisdom of God can realize things divine, and it is to divine heights that it destines us." We need the confidence of a child in God, in His Love and in His Wisdom.

I had two poignant experiences in my life where the Bible verse above was one that helped to carry me through. The first was when I was 24, engaged, wedding completely planned, dresses in, everything done. Then the bomb dropped as I heard these words from my fiance "Something is wrong in my life." That was the beginning of the end. I was absolutely in shock, never for a second saw it coming. Yet, I was never mad, everyone else was mad. I wasn't mad. I didn't want someone marrying me that didn't want to marry me. But the promise that came with the ring and the dreams of our life together were ripped out from under me. Through that time, I remember staying confident that God could bring something good out of a bad situation. The song of the day was a tremendous encouragement. And yes, God was faithful. The next five years were filled with healing and forgiveness and some fun travel with friends and my cousin. This prepared me, so that I was ready when Mr. Fix-it came into my life. I couldn't understand at that time how that experience of suffering could have helped me, but it did. I gained a whole new faith, a strength from within, knowing my Lord would always take care of me. And I now can't imagine a life with anyone, but my wonderful husband, Mr. Fix-it.

The second experience of tremendous suffering was when my mom died 3 years ago. This experience of suffering continues, and 3 years later I can't believe that it still hurts so much to not have my mom. The tears still come easily. I remember after she died walking around wondering how people can be happy. All of a sudden I had become a part of this club that I never knew existed, a club that no one can ever prepare for, you are just thrown into it without a moments notice. One minute you are at home making breakfast for your children. The next minute you are at the hospital saying good-bye to your biggest fan, your hero on earth, your mom. I now look at people who lose a close loved one differently. I never before understood the pain. People who lost their mom fairly young came out of the woodwork, because they got it.

But again God is faithful. Deep down I have that trust that this will be for the better. St. Therese said she would spend her Heaven showering good upon the earth. Well, I think my mom is spending her Heaven showering good upon the earth, all of course through the power of God. The first was Curly. He was born exactly one year and 30 minutes after my mom died. Who could plan that even if you tried? The second is my brother who is on fire for his faith. The third was that my husband got a job 15 months after my mom died. It was at a company that she always wanted Mr. Fix-it to work at.

I don't get mad that my mom died. She was in such tremendous pain, to wish her back would be nothing but pure selfishness. She said just months before she died that as much as she would miss all of us, she was ready to be with Jesus. It is her example that continues to help me get through this. When she would have trouble sleeping because of the pain, she would pray the Rosary. When I had trouble sleeping for months after she died, I, too, said the Rosary. When things were overwhelming, she would say "Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you." When I am overwhelmed with going through life without her support, I say "Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you." When I get irritable (like tonight), when we got home and I had a headache, had the hiccups, had to go to the bathroom, had my hair hanging in my face and driving me crazy, and was starving, I think of the joy that my mom carried with her in the midst of her chronic never-leaving physical suffering. That sure puts things in perspective real quick. It was nothing short of miraculous. Everyone that knew her could not figure out how she had such joy when she was in such pain. So, even though she is no longer here on earth, her soul continues to shape and mold me in only good ways. I figure if I can follow her lead, I will be just fine.

I knew this would be a hard blog to write, but felt it necessary if not for you than for me and my journey of healing that continues. So, this is why the song above is one of my favorites. It has been the reminder I needed during those rough times. God is faithful.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: peanut butter toast or butter toast with cheese slices, strawberries

Lunch: Birthday party food

Dinner: Left-over party food

Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 13, 2010

Verse of the Day
" . . .;for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted." Luke 18:14

Song of the Day
America Again by Carmen

Tomorrow is another birthday party, but the kids haven't even mentioned the cake. I will let them have cake and ice cream, but will be interested to see if any decide not to have any. I doubt it. They are kids for Pete's sake, what kid is going to decline cake and ice cream?

"Stuff" Detachment
I was so excited to report yesterday's and since I couldn't, I will report today. I started throwing old spices away and next thing you know, I cleared out the whole cabinet, washed all the shelves and reorganized. Boy, that feels good. Sadly, I don't think that has been done since we moved here 8 years ago. Eeek!

Spiritual Growth
Well, this has nothing to do with spiritual growth, but I have to say it anyway. Curly (turned 2 in January), went to the bathroom on the big potty twice today. Amazing how such a simple thing can make your day.

I spent all of last night and all day today at a graduate class "Parenting and Teaching Relationships". I need this to keep my teaching license current. I definitely felt like a fish out of water. I haven't taught since I had my first daughter 8 years ago, plus I homeschool, which for the most part isn't looked upon in a real positive light by public school teachers (except for my awesome uncle, love ya Uncle Ray!). Thank God for the fact that I had Jack Bauer sitting two chairs over which made things a bit lively. Seriously, this guy had his sunglasses on because of some eye deal and he looked just like Jack Bauer. He was as passionate about education as Jack Bauer is about his missions. It was hysterical. Even one of the other teachers who was sitting directly across from him yesterday, came and sat by me today. She didn't like being in his line of fire when he was talking. You know who I am talking about right? Jack Bauer from 24. I don't recommend the show. It is highly addictive and isn't of any value. After the first season, I vowed to never watch it again.

During the class, the teacher asked all of us to write our mission statement for our family down on paper. That was easy "To help my husband and children get to Heaven." Everything else good falls under that wouldn't you say? Well, not to my surprise most people were saying things like "to raise well-adjusted children", "to raise self-sufficient children" and yes these are all fine and dandy, but I wanted to yell out "That's it? How depressing." We have a higher goal, a more enriching and fulfilling goal. So, I sat there with my heart thumping just wishing I had the courage to say my mission even though it would be a total misfit. I wanted to humble myself because this wasn't about me. Maybe God wanted me to say my mission to at least get some people thinking past this earthly life. Well, the moment passed, and I said nothing. I felt so crummy. I blew it. I couldn't even say that. I asked God for another chance. And I got it. Next scenario was this "If you could inject your children with some quality (can't remember the exact word he used), what would it be?" Again all of these good things came out the teachers such as patience, resiliency, empathy, and then I finally spit it out "love of God". Guess what? Everything was okay. No one gasped out loud or anything, but why is it so hard to stand up about even the simplest things?

So, after hearing all the grumblings from the teachers for two days, which were the same grumblings from 8 years ago when I taught. And yes, they are valid grumblings. But I sat there knowing full well nothing would ever change. First of all, there is only so many options when you have a class of 35 students. But secondly, when you ship God out of the schools, can we really be surprised at what is happening. That is why I chose the song above. It always gets me fired up. I remember when I taught, students would gather around the flag pole at the beginning of the year one time before school started in the morning. I would go out there and a couple other teachers too. But the group of students wasn't very big, yet they were there as their fellow students walked by them into school for the day. I was so proud of them, what courage.

I am going to sneak in a bit about "Searching for and Maintaining Peace" by Fr. Jacques Philippe. This next section was titled "Our Difficulty in Believing in Providence".

Fr. Philippe said, "We cannot experience this support from God unless we leave Him the Necessary space in which He can express Himself." Saint John of the Cross says "God gives in the measure that we expect of Him" and Saint Frances de Sales says: "The measure of Divine Providence acting on us is the degree of confidence that we have in it." Father goes on to explain that this is where the problem is, we have never jumped out and taken a leap of faith into the unknown, so that we could experience "Him catching us". We calculate and resolve everything on our own without relying on God. He is clear to state that it isn't bad to anticipate things and develop a budget,etc., but when everything is planned down to the last detail, where have we allowed God's Providence to come in. The answer is we haven't if we control, control, control. I am saying this to myself as I have a problem with trying to always control everything. Yet, I felt some of my best blogs were those that I wrote when I sat down with an absolute empty brain. There was room for God to come through. And the more we see Him come through for us, the more we will develop trust in knowing that our God is faithful. I will end there as that is the perfect lead in for tomorrow's blog which will include one of my all time favorite songs that I mentioned yesterday.

Today's Menu
Breakfast and Lunch: Mr. Fix-it was in charge. I don't ask any questions, just glad everyone is happy when I get home.

Dinner: Papa Murphy's pizza, half cheese, half tomatoes and green peppers, grapes, apples with natural peanut butter, whole milk

Snack: Popcorn made with corn oil on the stove
Sorry, Mr. Fix-it needed the computer tonight, so there is no post. Bummer too, as I was thinking of putting one of my all time favorite songs on the playlist. Maybe tomorrow. We'll see what God has in store.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010

Verse of the Day
"Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span?" Matthew 6:27

Song of the Day
Hold On To Jesus by Steven Curtis Chapman

Curly's godfather stopped over to teach the kids a mini-lesson on Spanish. He happened to bring 4 chocolate chip cookies with him for the kids. There was excitement, but no fight. They just wanted to know if they could freeze them for later, which of course we did.

Also, at dinner when I pulled out the canned peaches and pears (getting low on fresh fruit and need to go to the store), the kids were so excited you would have thought I pulled out vanilla cupcakes. So, that's a good sign. They never were excited about it before.

"Stuff" Detachment
Hit the glasses cabinet today. Put all the crummy plastic glasses on the counter and told the kids each to pick two. So, I threw away 4 plastic glasses that did nothing, but make my trip into the cabinet all the more treacherous because it was so jam packed.

Just a side note for anyone out there who loves to find great deals on things and then donate them. JcPenney's at Rosedale had girls purple gloves by the checkout in the kids department, decent nice thick gloves that go high up on the wrist, normally $14.99, now clearanced to $.97. I picked up a few to donate, but they had a whole rack, probably about 50-100. I wish I could have got them all and brought them down to Sharing and Caring Hands. Winter will come again and there will be people who need gloves down there. So, I just thought I would mention it, in case the Holy Spirit wanted to inspire anyone out there.

Spiritual Growth
In Searching for and Maintaining Peace, Fr. Jacques Philippe goes on "The most common reason for which we could lose our sense of peace is a fear caused by certain situations which touch us personally and in which we feel threatened, apprehensions in the face of present or future difficulties, fear of lacking something important, of not succeeding in such and such a project, and so forth. The examples are infinite and touch all sectors of our lives: health, family and professional life, moral life and the spiritual life itself. . . And the restlessness generated by this lack, or the fear of lacking, causes us to lose our peace. Faced with such a situation, what, then, could allow us to remain always at peace?"

He goes on to remind us that we are never assured of obtaining anything and everything which we hold can easily slip away. The surest way to lose peace is to rely solely on oneself. The solution is simple but difficult. We must rely on God alone, with total trust in Him.

"Man does not have confidence in God. Hence he looks in every possible place to extricate himself by his own resources and renders himself terribly unhappy in the process rather than abandon himself into the tender and saving hands of his Father in heaven. Yet, how unjustified this lack of confidence is! Isn't it absurd that a child would thus doubt his Father, when this Father is the best and most powerful Who could exist, when He is the Father in heaven? In spite of that, it is in this absurdity that we most frequently live."

"How many young people, for example, hesitate to give their lives entirely to God because they do not have confidence that God is capable of making them completely happy. And they seek to assure their own happiness by themselves and they make themselves sad and unhappy in the process."

Fr. Philippe ends this section explaining that this is precisely the great victory of the Father of Lies, of the Accuser; to succeed in putting into the heart of a child of God distrust of his Father.

Tomorrow (or soon there after): Our Difficulty in Believing in Providence

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Flour tortillas filled with scrambled eggs and melted cheese, applesauce

Lunch: Frozen cheese pizza, apples with natural peanut butter

Snack: More apples some with natural peanut butter

Dinner: Hamburgers with buns, french fries, green beans, canned peaches and pears in their own juice

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10, 2010

Verse of the Day
"Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation - some fact of my life - unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake. . . .; unless I accept life completely on life's terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes." Big Book of AA (pg449)

Song of the Day
What If I Stumble by Dc Talk
This was a fitting song. Doubts stream through my head, still a bit amazed that I am doing this blog, then like clockwork I hear from another person who is enjoying this blog. With all that has happened throughout this blog, I am more confident than ever that this was indeed the will of God. And I continue to say, this isn't about me, but about God. I will continue to try my best to be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work through me.

There has been some rumbling on the home front. But we are making it through and to be honest the kids seem more settled, calm, and more even keel. Yes, it could be in my head, but if it is I hope it continues. I like it this way.

"Stuff" Detachment
I am definitely finding it easy to get rid of the junk. Today was a sweatshirt from when I coached volleyball about 16 years ago, had holes in it. Finally, got Mr. Fix-It some new jeans, so out went his old ones, along with a gigantic t-shirt. I feel like I am working around the outside of the issue. I am purposefully avoiding getting ride of anything with any sort of attachment. I'll keep plugging away.

Spiritual Growth
Today, I had the "fun" job of taking my boys for their pictures, always such a joyous event, but I continue to torture myself through the process probably because of my attachment to pictures. When I first began this picture process with Joke-A-Lot 8 years, I was filled with stress. I wanted the best pictures. I would worry about it before, during, and after. Thankfully, the verse above about acceptance was one of the many things I have learned through my journey as a recovering compulsive overeater. So, today was definitely growth for me. I had Curly sitting through every pose with the same exact "deer caught in the headlights look". He would sit, lay, stand, hold a balloon, all with the exact same look. On the other extreme, we had Race Car who was smiling so hard, his eyes disappeared and his teeth and gums took over his whole face. In the past, I would have pushed the photographer to take more pictures, try something different, etc. This time was different, I actually accepted the situation exactly as it was. So, the time came to view all the photographs. Thankfully, there was one picture of Race Car where we could indeed see that he was blessed with beautiful eyes. Then, there they came, Curly's pictures. Picture after picture of the exact same expression. I couldn't help it, I was laughing pretty hard. In the past, I would not have been laughing, but asking them to redo the session. I finally narrowed down the choice to the ones where his curly hair looked the best, since the expressions didn't change.

Tomorrow: I promise I will get back to my book on peace tomorrow. It is so good.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Nature's Pride 100% whole wheat double fiber bread with Smucker's natural creamy peanut butter, grapes

Lunch: McDonald's hamburger, no pickle, small fry, water

Snack: Gala apples with Smucker's natural peanut butter

Dinner: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes (made with butter, whole milk), asparagus (sauteed in butter), stewed tomatoes, canned pears in their own juices

Snack: More Gala apples with peanut butter, triscuits and marble jack cheese

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010

Verse of the Day
"My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness."
2Corinthians 12:9

Spiritual Growth
You might notice that this blog isn't following my normal layout. To be honest, I was going to skip the blog tonight as it is midnight, but as I checked my emails, once again someone sent me a video clip that was so inspiring. And the man in the video had a shirt on that said "Grace is enough" and I had just read that exact verse only moments before. So, once again, I felt the Lord has dropped this in my lap to share with you. I still am going to keep it short today, but you can enjoy the video instead. It is about 7 minutes and definitely inspiring. I should be back to my normal blog tomorrow.


Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8, 2010

Verse of the Day
"Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you who are now hungry, for you will be satisfied." Luke 6:20-21

Song of the Day
We Are One Body by Dana Scallon

This link has the song with the words. Once again, the verse, song and spiritual growth section have a running theme. God seems to be orchestrating that for me. Today the theme is the poor.

Made some roasted cauliflour for lunch with olive oil, paprika, salt and pepper. It looked and smelled fabulous. I thought I would be reporting how they ate it up like candy, not so much. Race car claimed he liked it, but declined seconds.

"Stuff" Detachment
Got rid of a spatula, wooden spoon, and steamer basket. All were old and have been at the bottom of the drawer since we moved here.

Spiritual Growth
Today I went to pick Mr. Fix-it up. He had been away visiting his family on the east coast for a couple days. He agreed to take the light rail over to the Target Center where the new Twins Stadium is and would walk across the street and meet me at Sharing and Caring Hands. Perfect! I could drop off my bags of stuff I had accumulated to donate.

I need to back up a bit. Prior to him leaving, I saw he left his gloves somewhere, so I put them on his bag so he wouldn't forget them for his trip. It was then that I noticed how run down they were with a hole in the finger. Then I began looking around thinking about how everything looked run down, basically having a pity party, but I was the only one there. I made a mental note to keep my eyes open for some gloves. He walks about 15 minutes outside on his way to and from work, so he needs a decent pair of gloves.

Just a side note for those of you not familiar with Sharing and Caring Hands. Mary Jo Copeland started Sharing and Caring Hands in 1985. It has grown immensely to serve the needs of the poor and helping them transition into a self-sustaining life. She washes the feet of the poor when they first come in and gives them new shoes to wear. She is amazing, plain and simple. Check out their website if you are interested. http://www.sharingandcaringhands.org/index.htm

I always like to bring our donated goods there. We have gotten to know some of the Dominican Sisters that work there, plus I think it is good for the kids to see that there are people out there that we need to care about and pray for. So, when I pulled in, there stood Mr. Fix-it like a sore thumb talking to a homeless man. I was so proud of him, what a great thing for the kids to see their father sharing God's love with this strange man.

I pulled in to drop my stuff off. Mr. Fix-it walked up to see us. Of course, we were so happy to see him after him being gone for a few days, but I couldn't help crying on the way home. I felt so bad for this man on the streets. How much he would have loved to have a happy smiling family come pick him up and take him to a nice home. Then Mr. Fix-it told me a bit about their conversation. I guess the man has a tent that keeps him warm in really cold temperatures. Mr. Fix-it asked him if he had gloves because he was going to give him his. That is when it hit me. I said "Those gloves! There is a hole in the finger." And Mr. Fix-it said "Yah, but it is better than nothing." Turned out the man did have gloves and proudly explained how he got his jacket out of the garbage. So, here I was feeling sorry for myself because of everything getting run down and this man is happy about a jacket he found in the garbage. Sure makes you grateful. Maybe some things are run down around here, but who cares? We have so much. I sit here still having trouble with the image of him on the street. It just shouldn't be that way. Thank God for Mary Jo Copeland. She explains profusely that a large percentage of the people in there aren't there because of their own screwed up decisions, but because they simply came on hard times. I take it for granted that I have such a great family and support system. Everyone doesn't have that.

I chose the verse above because of this experience. I also think after an experience like this, it is necessary to recall this man in our prayers continually. Mr. Fix-it had a real amazing "It's A Wonderful Life" sort of experiences a year or two ago. Maybe I will share it one of these days, but I know we have to continue to pray for that man as well. We may be the only ones that they have to pray for them. We are one body in Christ, hence the song I chose above. We are all equally loved in God's eyes, homeless or homeblessed.

So, that is my spiritual growth for today - an attitude of gratitude and a prayer for a better tomorrow for that man. I will continue on as planned tomorrow.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Oatmeal made with whole milk, bananas, and cinnamon, Jone's sausage patties

Lunch: Ham Sandwiches, made with Nature's Pride 100% whole wheat double fiber bread, Shaved ham, marble jack cheese, roasted cauliflour, strawberries

Dinner: Stuffed peppers made with peppers, white rice, ground beef seasoned with chili powder and cumin, marble jack cheese, bananas

Snack: Butter snap pretzels

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7, 2010

Verse of the Day
"You made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You" (Saint Augustine)

Song of the Day
Oh Father by Eric Genuis
There is an advertisement at the bottom of the video that you can close out.

I am completely amazed that I found a video for this song online. But as soon as I read the quote above, this song from years past (1993 to be exact) popped into my head. I have learned to just trust the direction that the Lord wants to lead me with this blog.

I was a little sad this morning as Artsy seemed so fixed on trying to figure out something sweet to have, or something sweet she would have on her birthday this summer. I really think sugar affects her more than the others. Joke-A-Lot and Curly had the sugared drinks (Pedialyte, 7-up, etc.) when they were recovering from their illness and it didn't phase them when they went back to no sugar, but Artsy seems to be having a hard time. I will be curious to see how she is in a few days after being off of the sugar again. Will her talk revolve so much around sugared stuff that she wants to have in the future?

I am also reading a book my childhood allergist authored. It talks about how food allergies can affect us. I have read the sections on acidic foods, MSG, aspartame, and now just began reading about refined sugar. I'll keep you updated on what I learn. Thus far from other resources, I think I finally get the answer to the age old question "Why is fruit okay, but fructose is not okay? They both are fructose." The short and sweet answer after listening to an hour and a half deal on why high fructose corn syrup and basically other sugars are bad is because when you eat fruit, nature gives the anecdote with the fructose and that is fiber. There is something about your the way your body absorbs the fructose when it has the fiber with it versus straight fructose. So, that is why sugared soda and fruit juice are basically the same in regards to sugar. Okay, not sure anyone really cared to hear all that, but that is my two cents and is always subject to begin wrong.

"Stuff" Detachment

Grabbed two necklaces from forever ago that I will never wear again and a bottle of post pregnancy baby oil. Sorry, my baby is two years old. There is nothing that oil can help me with now.

Spiritual Growth
I am hoping to get back to daily Mass this week. We have all really come to love going. God always brings me encouragement after I go. The last time I went before we all got sick, two people I didn't even know found me after Mass to tell me how much they enjoy hearing Curly make his little sounds. Yes, they said "enjoy". The one who was a guy said he thinks of it as Curly's prayers to God. I stood there looking at this guy like "Are you for real?" Although, he did reiterate, that screaming and crying would be a different story. So, that was comforting because either Joke-A-Lot or I usually bail out the back door at the first sign of toddler talking.

In "Searching for and Maintaining Peace" by Fr. Jacques Philippe, he discusses that this peace is not available to everyone independent of their attitude toward God. "When individuals are close to God, love and desire to serve the Lord, the usual strategy of the devil is to cause them to lose their peace of heart, whereas God, on the contrary, comes to their aid to give them peace. But this rule is reversed for those who hearts are far from God, who live in indifference and evil. The devil seeks to tranquilize such individuals, to keep them in a false sense of quietude, whereas the Lord, Who desires their salvation and conversion, will trouble and disquiet their consciences in an effort to get them to repent." So, that is why I chose that specific Verse of the Day. We are made for the Lord, there will be no rest until we rest in him. So, the necessary condition for this interior peace that transcends is goodwill or purity of heart. Basically, it is a person determined more than anything to love God and to seek to do His will above their own. It is not perfection because it can coexist with imperfections and faults and hesitations.

Tomorrow - The Troubles of Life and the Fear of Being Without

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Nature's Pride 100% Whole Wheat Double Fiber bread with natural peanut butter, blueberries, Triscuits and cheese

Lunch: 1 piece of leftover pizza, mac and cheese, fresh cucumbers and brocolli, strawberries

Dinner: Grass-fed ground beef hamburgers from http://www.pasturesaplenty.com/ on Arnold Sandwhich Thins Multi-Grain, Ore-Ida Extra Crispy Golden Crinkles, steamed brocolli, baked apples with cinnamon

Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 6, 2010

Verse of the Day
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

Song of the Day
Go Light Your World by Kathy Troccoli

Songs evoke such strong emotion in me. I thought I better not pick another one that makes me cry, although this one can bring a tear or two. I am reminded that we are Jesus' hands and feet. He has chosen to work through us, hence the unleashing of the Holy Spirit at so many times in our life. Thinking especially of my nephew who was confirmed this morning, praying that God sends the Holy Spirit upon him in a powerful way, lighting his path and making his mission here on earth more clear with each passing day.

Our sugar-free journey has been imperfect thus far, but really going quite well. Even Joke-A-Lot who normally isn't a big fruit eater has been enjoying the variety of fruits that I put in front of her. I continue to be grateful that all of the kids are listening to their stomachs thus far. Today, I had some extra cheese I had cut and offered it to Joke-A-Lot and Race Car. They both love it. Neither of them wanted any, so I almost began to argue with them "But you guys love this cheese". They responded "But we aren't hungry". Yes! Somewhere along the way my full/empty switch got broken, hence the reason for my 12 step program of recovery in compulsive overeating. So, thrilled to continue to see that there systems are working and they are listening to them.

"Stuff" Detachment
Hitting the closet today. I will be right back. Yes! I got three of Mr. Fix-its short sleeve shirts, all fall into the "worn out" or "never wear" category. He'll never know. Good that's done. I am glad I am forced to do this and report in.

Spiritual Growth
I again am not surprised that as I write this, an email came in with an encouraging story about a blind young man. It begins with him playing the song "Light of the Moon", so I am guessing Light is the theme of today's blog. It is really neat to sit down and have no idea where God is going to lead me. Here is the link. I have seen it before and you many have too, but it is inspiring to say the least. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=9xwCG0Ey2Mg

Fr. Jacques Philippe in his book "Searching for and Maintaining Peace" discusses the struggle we have with our thoughts. The opposition is between those thoughts that originate in our own spirit, or the mentality of our surroundings or even sometimes from the enemy himself which cause us disquietude, fear, discouragement against the other thoughts that could comfort us and reestablish our peace. He believes we need a quiver full of good thoughts, one of which should be "all the reasons that cause us to lose our sense of peace are bad reasons."

"If we seek peace as the world gives it, if we expect peace in accordance with the reasoning of the world, or with the motivations that accord with the current mentality that surrounds us (because every thing is going well, because we aren't experiencing any annoyances and our desires are completely satisfied, etc.), then it is certain that we will never know peace or that our peace will be extremely fragile and of short duration." Like right now, Joke-A-Lot and Race Car will not stop fighting over the train, but that doesn't mean I need to lose my peace right?

The reason we can be at peace comes from trust in the World of Jesus. "Peace I leave with you, My own peace I give to you; a peace the world cannot give, this is My gift to you. Let not your hearts be troubled or afraid . . ." John 14:27 So, these words carry the same weight as the words that brought earth and sky from void, that quieted the storm, that healed the sick and brought the dead back to life. This peace can never be taken away, God says so "For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable." Romans 11:29 Because of our lack of faith we don't always know how to acquire or preserve them.

Tomorrow I will be discussing the necessary conditions for peace. And after that I will be discussing certain situations where we frequently lose our peace. Stay tuned.

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Grapenuts with whole milk and sliced banana for Joke-A-Lot, Puffed corn and peanut butter toast for Curly, Van's waffles with peanut butter and sliced banana on one half and carmelized banana (sliced banana and butter sauteed) on the other half, nothing for Artsy (still recovering)

Lunch: Soft flour taco with taco meat and cheese, noodle soup with saltines, vege tray, small mandarin oranges

Dinner: Deep dish Pizza Hut pizza (cheese or pepperoni), sliced apples. Easy night!!!